Earlier today, I was thinking, "Hmmm, I should write a blog with more direction. I need to pick a topic and stick with it. I try to throw way too much random stuff into mine. I bet it would be a lot more interesting if I just wrote on one topic." I'm sure that's all true and those are valid points. I just can't bring myself to do it.
Maybe it's the fact that this is a replacement for a journal (for the most part). Also, I have so many varied, never stagnant, interests that it would be nearly impossible to choose one and write solely about that one thing. I shudder thinking about that.
On that note, I was really excited today when I found out that I was accepted into the early childhood education master's program at Arizona State University. I've been anxiously awaiting the verdict for a few months and I am happy the verdict brought good news! Unfortunately, the high of being admitted was quickly shoved aside by the reality that I need to find the funds to pay for it all. I'm sure it will work itself out though. I guess everything always does.
Second big note of the day, I attempted a saline rinse (some call it the saltwater wash, but I find 'saline rinse' to sound slightly more appealing). It was an interesting experience. I poured a cool glass of water, stirred some table salt in and gargled. Immediately, I spit out the mixture, realizing it should have been warm. It's odd that generally the last thing I would drink would be warm water, however when mixed with salt, it seems unnatural cold. So, I again mixed my saline solution, only this time with warm water. I gargled again, felt like I was in the cheapest version of the ocean for about 5 seconds, and spit. Then the really fun part came in. Using a baster, I squeezed some of my warm saltwater (get ready for it) up my nose. Yes, in one nostril, out the other. It was as disgusting as it sounds, but I think it helped. My nose definitely cleared out, and on the upside, it reminded me of the beach. All in all, not a bad experience.
Tomorrow, and the rest of the week, I am working with the infants at school. As much as I love babies, and I really, honestly do, I am not looking forward to it. I enjoy being around babies. I think they are adorable and cuddly, but I am just not used to them. I think I am a little scared of them. Scratch that, I am scared of myself around them. I don't want to hurt them or upset them. I just don't have experience around babies and I feel like I'm not adequately trained to spend time with them. It's slightly frightening to be around little people who don't talk or walk and be able to understand how to communicate with and understand them. It's something I will have to get used to, especially this week, as I will be spending the majority of my week with them.
I guess I should go to bed now. I need to get some rest before my long day tomorrow. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly. Before I go, I just want to make the observation that I wrote twice as much about pouring salt water down my nose and mouth than I did about being accepted into my master's program. That is me. That is Jessica in a nutshell. Goodnight!