I guess the universe really does course correct itself when something goes off track. Our fate is inevitable. We can prolong the final outcome, but in the end, what was going to happen is what will happened, what has always happened.
It's fascinating to think that we all have a future. Not only that, but in some strange other dimension, it has happened already. Or, if it has not already happened, it is at least known.
This was always my favorite topic in philosophy. I always (and still do) tended to subscribe to the theory that we have free choice, yet we do have an ultimate fate, that God already knows. We cannot see our future, so in our eyes, it may seem like there is total chaos and anything can happen. In reality, as far as I know, it's not exactly that way. True, we can make choices and anything could have happened, but the pre-determined fate will happen.
Our lives our a picture. There is a beginning and an end, both of which our certain. We can see it all drawn out--except WE cannot see it. Someone else (God) is the only one privy to that information.
Fascinating, no?
Anyway, back to course correction. It seems sometimes that we work so hard to go against the grain, fight the inevitable, but in the end, it all straightens out and you continue to fall back in line with your life plan. Well, actually you never left it, because it's all part of the plan, anyway. You date the "wrong" people, you choose the "wrong" major, you make the "wrong" choices. However, those people, places, things--they were there for a reason. If they weren't you could have never seen what you really wanted out of life. YOUR fate is in YOUR hands. It's free will, free choice. All the things you do along the way are leading you to your, I hate to use this word, destiny.
One last thing before I go, the k-word. KARMA. I've been talking about it lately. I've been thinking about karma a lot. To me, it makes no sense. It's not real, and here's why I think so. Firstly, the whole concept of karma is "what goes around comes around", but as we can see in various and plentiful examples, this is not true. How many babies die every day? What have they done wrong? Young, innocent girls who get raped, what have they done to deserve that? Or, on the flip side, people who murder and never get caught, why not? According to karma, they should not be spared. People who launder money, yet become wealthy and our happy all their lives, where is the karma there? Secondly, when you do things to people, make mistakes, etc., those are just things, events, that happen in our lives to guide us to our final destination. If karma were in charge, we would get nowhere. We would float around all day experiencing the boomerang effect of our actions. It simply isn't valid and doesn't make sense.
After all that thrilling discussion, hopefully there's been a grain of something interesting in all that mess.